This document presents the terms and conditions of our agency for national and international clients who prefer our services

Payment method: PayPal


Money transfer:

Bank address: Avenues 1 and 3, street 4, Costa Rica
Bank account name: María Ginnette Prado Cubillo
Identification card number: 107300432
Client’s address: Alajuela, Naranjo centro
Dollar account number: 200-02-000-593441-4
Customer account: 15100020025934419
IBAN account: CR24 0151 0002 0025 9344 19

Bank name: BAC SAN JOSE
Bank account name: María Ginnette Prado Cubillo
Identification card number: 107300432
Client’s address: Alajuela, Naranjo centro
IBAN dollar account: CR 5501 02 00 0070 3456 3010
IBAN colones account: CR 6501 0200 0070 3456 2930

Payments to be made:

  1. If the client’s reservation is around peak season, which is established between December 15th and January 15th, Holy Week, between July 1st and 16th, the payment must be done in its entirety. This means, the prepaid payment includes the total cost of the services without any change or refund during the dates previously stated.
  2. During the rest of the dates, not previously stated, the payment must be done two months (90 days) prior the arrival of the clients, and a 50% of the payment must be done before (10 days) their arrival

Reservations that suffer any modifications after the payment is done have a surcharge of $30.00.

Cancellation Policy

  1. Any changes or cancellations done in the reservations of and by our clients have their own surcharge according to our and our provider’s policies (freelance tour guides, hotels, carriers, rent-a-car, internal airlines, and touristic tour operator).

30 days or more prior the arrival – surcharge of $30, in addition to the provider’s surcharge.
21 to 30 days prior the arrival – 25% of surcharge, in addition to the provider’s surcharge.
14 to 21 days prior to the arrival – 50% of surcharge, in addition to the provider’s surcharge.
13 days or less prior the arrival date – surcharge of 100%.

  • There will be no refunds for itinerary activities not met, considering that a tour or touristic package has a consolidated cost. Exchanges of services will not be allowed after the payment of either one is done, even if the cost difference is higher, lower, or equal.
  • Rates are subject to change by the providers, so if there is no formal confirmation of the service, the final cost may vary.
  • Clients are responsible for the up-to-date documentation required when entering the country such as passport, visa (if it is needed to enter the country), and any other documentation that because of sanitary matters is demanded. Our agency is not responsible for any failing, out-of-date, informal documentation of our clients. Considering the previous point, it is important that the client informs themselves about everything needed to enter the country beforehand because there will not be any refunds because of incomplete documentation after the payment of the services is done and the services have been confirmed.
  • It is important that the clients inform their local travel agency (our agency) of any flight delay, change of schedule because the welcoming and farewell logistics require precise planning, especially hotels’ schedules of entrance and departure according to their own regulations.
  • Our agency is not responsible for any lost personal items, additional expenses because of delays or changes caused by weather, strikes, sickness, war, our providers such as airlines and hotels, and any other cause out of reach. Any additional expense falls under the responsibility of the clients.
  • All travel documents of the clients issued by Adetur COSTA RICA are subject to the terms and conditions of our providers. As part of our services, our staff can help you in many languages: Spanish, English, Italian, French, and Portuguese.

   Important notes:

• Tours for foreigners are available with a minimum of 4 people. Tours for nationals are available with a minimum of 10 people. Our agency offers personalized tours, so if the client wants to visit a specific place not included in our list, we can add it to the tour.

• The tours we offer are available depending on the availability of the agencies we work with.

• We offer quotations for tours that do not include transportation to nationals.

• Every confirmed reservation must be prepaid, minimum, 24 hours before the service or the time indicated by our providers. Rates are subject to change without prior notice according to foreign exchange, tax, or any government provisions.

Child Policy

• 0 to 2 years old pay $18.00.

• 3 to 10 years old pay 75% of each services’ established rate.

• 11 years old and up pay adult rate.